Are our senior citizens at high risk?

Extreme heat can affect anybody, our senior citizens are at high risk of developing a heat-related illness because of their inability to respond to summer heat… Check-in on elderly relatives and neighbours this weekend…

For the elderly who do not have air conditioning, make sure they are keeping hydrated – offer fluids water, fruit and vegetable juices which are best. (Avoid alcohol) In the heat of the day assist them to find refuge in a climate controlled environment such as shopping centres or clubs.

Unfortunately, from our experiences, many elderly who own air conditioners often do not use them when they should for several reasons.

These reasons include running costs, not operated in a lengthy period, too dirty to turn on, scared of electrical appliances. Encourage the elderly to use their air conditioners in extreme weather to make them more comfortable avoiding unnecessary health issues.

What you can do? You can clean their air conditioning filters and turn their systems on. If everything seems OK reassure them that everything is running correctly and is safe.

If you suspect any issues contact your local licensed air conditioning repairer and have their system checked over. If you feel their system is severely contaminated you could contact us and we can arrange for one of our friendly technicians to conduct a FREE Aircon health check.

If you are concerned about the welfare of any of our elderly citizens you should contact a medical professional or emergency services on 000