David Levy
HVAC Hygienist
Camden Haven Air Con
About your local technician
After university, I returned home to PNG to work in my father’s business, Coffee Plantation and Building Construction. I went on to Plantation Management in the PNG highlands for several years. I returned to Australia working in the Hotel and Hospitality Industry Whilst owning a hotel in Cootamundra (Bradman’s Birthplace) I became involved in community issues and was elected for two terms on Cootamundra Shire Council. As a hotelier over many years was involved in supporting many community projects.
For Bookings and Enquiries
Port Macquarie Locally owned and operated Sanitair Licensed Business Owner. Freecall 1800 130 168 to find out how Sanitair can improve your indoor air quality in your HOME, BUSINESS and CAR.
- Reduce Odours
- Remove mould and bacteria
- Asthma and Allergy Friendly
- Save on energy costs
- Award Winning Service
- Since 2005
- Preferred Supplier for Accommodation Industry Managers
Australia’s Largest and Most Respected Air Conditioning Cleaning Company.
High Wall Split System
$ 169
Suburbs Covered
Crowdy Head, Harrington, Black Head, Bohnock, Bootawa, Brimbin Chatham, Croki, Cundletown, Diamond Beach, Dumaresq Island, Failford, Ghinni Ghinni, Glenthorne, Hallidays Point Happy Valley, Hillville, Jones Island, Kiwarrak, Kolodong, Koorainghat, Kundle Kundle, Lansdowne, Manning Point, Melinfa, Mitchells Island, Mondrook, Old Bar, Oxley Island, Pampoolah, Possum Brush, Purfleet, Rainbow Flat, Red Head, Saltwater, Tallwoods Village, Taree, Taree South, Taree West, Tinonee, Upper Landsdowne, Wallabi Point, Batar Creek, Black Creek, Kendall, Kerewong Kew, Logans Crossing, Lorne, Rossglen, Swans Crossing, Upsalls Creek, Aldavilla, Austral Eden, Bellbrook, Bellimbopinni, Belmore River, Burnt Bridge, Carrai, Clybucca, Collombatti, Comara, Corangula, Crescent Head, Deep Creek, Dondingalong, East Kempsey, Euroka, Frederickton, Georges Creek, Gladstone, Greenhills, Hampden Hall, Hat Head, Jickeys Creek, Kempsey, Kinchela, Lower Creek, Millbank, Mooneba, Moparrabah, Mungay Creek, Old Station, Pola Creek, Rainbow Reach, Seven Oaks, Sherwood, Skillion Flat, Smithown, South Kempsey, Summer Island, Temagog, Toorooka, Turners Flat, Verges Creek, West Kempsey, Willawarrin, Willi Willi, Wittitrin, Yarravel, Yessabah, Bobs Creek, Camden Head, Coralville, Deauville, Diamond Head, Dicks Hill, Dunbogan, Hannam Vale, Herons Creek, Johns River, Lakewood, Laurieton, Middle Brother, Moorland, North Brother, North Haven, Stewarts River, Waitui, West Haven, Blackmans Point, Fernbank Creek, Lighthouse Beach, Limeburners Creek, North Shore, Port Macquarie, Riverside, Settlement City, The Hatch, Thrumster, Bonny Hills, Grants Beach, Lake Cathie, Bagnoo, Beechwood, Bellangry, Birdwood, Brombin, Byabarra, Cairncross, Crosslands, Doyles River, Ellenborough, Forbes River, Frazers Creek, Gearys Flat, Harty’s Plains, Hollisdale, Huntingdon, Hyndmans Creek, Kindee, Kings Creek, Lake Innes, Long Flat, Lower Pappinbarra, Marlo Merrican, Mortons Creek, Pappinbarra, Pemb rooke, Pipeclay, Rawdon Island, Redbank, Rosewood, Sancrox, Toms Creek, Upper Pappinbarra, Wauchope, Yarras, Yippin Creek